
I use digital media to explore visual narrative as well as experimental graphics. I’m also very interested in the slippery role that sound plays in accompanying moving images. I create the majority of my projects in: Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator and I use Audition for sound. These works can be seen in the video section here.

In addition, I create hard-edged color field paintings which are designed in digital software and then painted in acrylic on canvas. While I consider my paintings to be engaged with the foundational elements of art and design - color, shape, and line - these paintings can also be seen as representations of unreal or liminal spaces and thus straddle the boundary of representation and abstraction. You can see this body of work in the painting section here.

I’ve taught many classes related to art, design, digital media, and the post-production process at art institutions in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York. Most recently, I’ve taught at Pratt Institute and SUNY Oneonta and also have taught at CUNY York and the New York Film Academy. You can see examples of student work here.

Lastly, I curate art exhibitions as the founder of SPANTZO gallery - an alternative art space that existed in 2021 on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. My doctoral dissertation - SPANTZO: The Exhibition of Alternative Art in a Global Pandemic - is about the role that alternative art spaces play in the education of artists. The history of the SPANTZO project can be seen on the main site here.

I hold a BA in Studio Art from Loyola Marymount University, an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts, and am a doctoral candidate at Teachers College - Columbia University in the Art and Art Education department.

Please reach out if you have questions or if you’d like to work together!



